Once again, I have failed the test of time with keeping up with my blog. I could make a lot of excuses per usual, but quite honestly, I went through a period in my life where I just simply didn't have much to write about.
Since I last wrote to you, I have moved from Midland, TX to Santa Fe, NM. Thanks to a family friend, and state representative from my hometown, Artesia--I got the opportunity to work the NM State Legislative Session here at the State Capitol, and took it with no hesitation. I moved back to NM the first week of January, which means I've been here one month as of today.
The last time I lived in New Mexico before moving back one month ago was June 2011. As I've mentioned before, my parents raised me in New Mexico and lived here, in Artesia, until moving to Texas in June 2011. Shortly after that, I went to England for a few months, and spent last year in Dallas and Midland with them.
New Mexico is commonly referred to, by the citizens of the state, as the Land of Entrapment (which is a play on the state's slogan, "Land of Enchantment"). So, I suppose that means that I am a victim of the common saying, and 18 months later, I am back in the state I call home, and I could not be more happy about it.
I live in a (super awesome) house in the Eldorado community about ten miles outside of Santa Fe with two other girls who are also working the Session as well. Both girls are from southeastern NM like myself. We're renting a house from a couple who works in the film industry. In fact, the owner worked on the popular AMC TV show, Breaking Bad, which is filmed in Albuquerque. The homeowners are now on a new filming adventure in Washington, DC, for the HBO series, Veep. We're house/dog sitting while they're away. The timing and set-up worked out perfectly, really. Except for the fact that their dogs are monsters. Which I'll get back to later.
My job at the State Capitol--commonly referred to as the Roundhouse (because it is a round, well, house)--is working for two representatives. I do everything for them--you name it. In government, all the real work gets done by bureaucratic staff. (#you're welcome.) My representatives are wonderful and they keep me busy. New Mexico's fiercely diverse population with vastly differing opinions comes to the surface each year during the Legislative Session, and this year is no different. I, quite honestly, cannot get enough of it. I am taking in every moment with the legislators, every vote, every piece of legislation, every lobbyist, and every Indian who comes to my office to sell me their handcrafted turquoise jewelry.
It's a great place, really. Come visit. My roommates and I will cook you something fabulous with green chile, challenge you to a game of Just Dance on the XBOX, and take you on a hike with our monster dogs (and maybe send them home with you).

The Roommates.
Our Casita
The Monsters: Tess, Cody, Roxy
Neighborhood View
Sunset from our living room window
The House of Representatives Chamber
Legislative Session Opening Ceremony (Governor Martinez in red)
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