Thursday, October 18, 2012

My Mid-Hiatus

Holy moly!  Good morning! Man, I am happy to be blogging today.  Days in Red has been on quite the hiatus (I know you're thinking "Hiatus? Yeah, right! More like a full-on break-up! But it's hip to use the word "hiatus" in the Blogosphere, so I'm taking full advantage) the past nine months, but we’re back and ready-oh, so ready- to write. 

My last post I wrote to you from a Starbucks in Leeds, England where I was finishing up my semester abroad and only hours away from returning to America.  Today, I write to you from an office building in Midland, Texas (a little less climatic, I know).  In the last nine months, I have been to Boston, New Orleans, upstate New York, and all over west Texas and southeast NM.  I attempted to be—and failed miserably—a waitress at an expensive Latin restaurant in the chic north Dallas suburbs.  I have started and completed a sales associate position at Nordstrom—a top upscale American department store and a great company to work for (and a great way to stock your wardrobe… just sayin’…).  

Also, I watched my parents wrestle with a difficult decision to sell their dream home in Murphy (one of those chic north Dallas suburbs) and give up their brief life as big-city people, to come back to their roots in the sticks of west Texas to follow an opportunity that was too-good-to-pass-up.  I’ve also been back to Albuquerque (shout out to all my ABQ homies!) to have LASIK eye surgery—which was totally awesome and amazing.  While all that madness has been happening, I’ve also applied to about 443 jobs.  So, a lot has been going on!

My parents and I are now living in Midland, TX and it’s… well, it’s not Dallas J.  But it isn’t bad either.  It is just taking some adjusting for me.  My parents are in the middle of building a house, so they’re fairly consumed with that and all it entails.  And I’m working a job that I hate, which is allowing me to write to you fine folks, and to also keep looking for another job elsewhere, so I guess it isn’t so bad either.  I don’t have any friends here yet, so I’m spending my time powering through novel after novel, job application after job application.  Oh, and I’ve started doing INSANITY, a 60-day workout program that is absolutely miserable, but kind of wonderful at the same time.

Y’all—how about Days in Red’s new look?!  Spiffy, eh?  I know there is still stuff I need to add like Photos, and stuff in the About Me, but I’ll get there.  I just couldn’t wait any longer to get this post up.  Thanks for stopping by, I love you, and let’s talk again soon.

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